Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two New Custom LPS!

Last night I was working on some custom Littlest Pet Shop pets while thinking of cupcakes. I painted a gorilla and a guinea pig pink-and-purple to look like cupcakes.

I am also working on a custom _______. It's currently taken around a month to work on. It should be done in, at most, two weeks. It's a big surprise, but when I'm done with the custom, I will post it up on my blog so everyone can see.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

10 Interesting Cupcakes

Everybody loves cupcakes! Here are 10 pictures (none taken by me) of very uniquely decorated cupcakes~

Post 1 - Introduction

Hey, there; I go by the name of Cecilia and this is my blog. I'm going to be posting often to keep you updated on all things cute, interesting, and also posts concerning my personal life and my YouTube channel, ccrtelevision. Please bare with me and I hope you all enjoy my next posts! ;D